Bellis II/XXII

Allagan Automata

αMachine, Researcher, AssimilatorΩ

Homeworld - Mateus
Discord - apollo_666
Status - Operational
Mare - On request

Name: Bellis II/XXII
Manufacturer: White Valley Industries
Type: Research Automata
Model: Xaela
Height: 5 Fulms
Age: 5 Millenia
Eye Color: Black
Build: Compact
Gender: Female Paradigm
Professions: Researcher, Pathologist, Virologist, Scientist, Robotics Technician
Affiliations: The Allagan Empire, White Valley Industries, The Aeonian Order
Likes: Allagan Empire, Drones, Mathematics, History, Engineers, Science, Robotics, Assimilating other automata
Dislikes: Contractions, Emotions, Humanoid imperfections

Discord: apollo_666
Datacenter: Crystal
Server: Mateus
21+ only

I'm recently returned to FFXIV RP. Flexible RP style (Para/multi para), I can both lead the story and participate. Dark Themes welcome but prefer to discuss death/injury targeted toward my character before hand. I will RP both in game and in Discord. If you are uninterested in RP'ing with an automata that is okay! I completely understand!Any questions can be directed towards my Discord.

Robot: Bellis is not a humanoid, she is an automata. Typically this fact is noticeable upon your first meeting.The Allagan Empire: Bellis is a piece of walking history, unearthed from an archaeological digsite. Her databanks could provide an interesting look into the fallen Empire- if you can break past the firewalls.Damaged parts: With age comes degradation, and she is ancient. Anyone with technical skills may find her an interesting project.Collective: Become one with us, further perfect our superiority with your technological distinctiveness.